Informix Database

Informix is the traditional, object-relational database management system of IBM. Still it has its own footprint with dedicated customers and provides compact solutions. Let us get into the tutorial.

To understand the versioning,

Example Informix – Version: iif.12.10.FC7TL.linux-x86_64
12 – major, 10 – enhancement release, F – Architecture(64bit) , C7 – sub release number,  TL- fixpack number.


A server has multiple instances, which has own set of resources, databases.
DBSpace – Set of one or more chunks that store data.can have multiple DBSpace.
Chunk – a file/device(Can be raw devices) pre-allocated(Size should be allocated while creating) for space that makes up a DBSpace. Can add more chunks to DBSpace to extend.
Bufferpool – memory hold retrieved data for faster processing.

Commands in Informix

Oninit – Central server core engine.
Onmode – manages the running engine.
Onstat – gives statistics & information about the current instance
Ontape – backup utility for restore/backup
Onspaces – create/deletes chunks
Onparams – manages logical & physical logs

Installation Steps

Create a separate user and directory for the fresh installation,

Download and untar the binary,

Run as root user and follow the command line prompt, below screenshots might help you to drive through,

Thus, Installation is complete. Please follow the next post for setting up the connectivity and database operations

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