Object Versioning and Life Cycle Management in GCS

Object Versioning in GCS

Object versioning is the automatic way of archiving the objects and anytime if required to move previous versions it allows us to achieve that with the help of identification tag a.k.a generation number. 

Enable the object versioning of a bucket,

gsutil versioning set on gs://datacloudies-bucket1

object versioning

To verify the versioning configuration, use get 

gsutil versioning get gs://datacloudies-bucket1

object versioning

Check the generation number for the objects using the list command

gsutil ls -a gs://datacloudies-bucket1

-a denotes archive number

object versioning

Now, we can have multiple versions of the same files in the bucket. 

Rewrite the same file and verify the generation number,

object versioning

When you want to copy the particular version of the file, use the cp command along with the generation number of the file.

gsutil cp gs://datacloudies-bucket1/README-cloudshell.txt#1586871879963009 gs://datacloudies-bkt-gsutil/

object versioning

Object Life Cycle in GCS

Essentially, it is a cost-optimized module, that we would change the storage class based on the data retrieval time frame. This allows us to specify how long the objects should exist under one configuration before a certain action is triggered. 

For instance, when we have archived data that has not been modified over six months and has very less retrieval, we can convert their class to nearline storage from standard. 

Create Rule through the web console

Let us create a rule in the life cycle. Go to a particular GCS bucket, click on add rule option. 

object life cycle

Select the condition as per the parameters such as age, creation date, storage class, newer versions and live state. 

In this example, let me select age,

object life cycle

On the action tab, make sure to select the appropriate actions. As you know, once the objects deleted, it cannot be restored. 
object life cycle

That is it. In this particular bucket, files more than 60days exist are going to be deleted. 

Create life-cycle through command-line

Create a JSON file with appropriate actions and conditions

{ "lifecycle": { "rule": [ { "action": { "type": "SetStorageClass", "storageClass": "NEARLINE" }, "condition": { "age": 90, "matchesStorageClass": ["MULTI_REGIONAL", "STANDARD", "DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY"] } }, { "action": { "type": "SetStorageClass", "storageClass": "COLDLINE" }, "condition": { "age": 180, "matchesStorageClass": ["NEARLINE"] } } ] } }

object life cycle

The above file is going to detect the objects which are more than 90 days and change the class to Nearline and files which are there for more than 180days with Nearline class will be changed to Coldline. 

Run the below command to set the life cycle,

gsutil lifecycle set lc.json gs://datacloudies-bucket1/

object life cycle

Excellent then :-). This, concludes the topic. I hope this would be informative for you. Please do follow up on the other posts. Thank you.

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