Here is the post for installing the Linux machine on the Oracle VirtualBox. Please follow the below step-by-step instructions carefully for hitting at the first attempt-success.
Before this start, I assume that you have already installed the VirtualBox and ISO image file is ready for the action.
Assign 1500MB RAM and give 30GB HDD as
Select the .iso file
Open the oracle_685220 box, and enter into OS
Skip the cd found wizard, and click next,
Give yes for warning and select checkbox at the bottom and select Remove Linux partitions on selected drives and give next
Give twice the size of RAM to SWAP and give / , /boot, /tmp and /u01
Give the hostname and click next,
Give IP address by clicking the edit button on the above page,
Select Asia/Kolkata as below,
Give the root password,

Select the packages in development as well,
Should be patience till the completion of that, reboot the system and
do not press any key while getting started,
otherwise it will do the installation again,☹
After forwarding 3 screens, disable the firewall and SE Linux,
it helps in listener concept
Leave Kdump as it is,
Set the date, time and do forward,
Do not update anything, just forward it
Do not create any user, will create it later,
Click finish and make OS to be restarted,
Now, enter into the OS, by giving UN name as root,
Set hostname and IP address
To set the IP address,
Change Boot protocol as static and add the IP address, subnet mask and save it using:wq
Open, pay attention to the file name called ‘hosts’
Whatever rows mentioned in this file will be connected via Remote.
Add the 3rd entry like above mentioned, and do:wq
Now restart the service network to apply the changes,
Install packages
Check the mounted point once, now we going to mount DVD externally by select CD/DVD devices – Linux….iso in VM machine.
Dev/hdc is mounted.
Create a new directory called ‘dvd’ and mount the /dev/hdc to /media/dvd
Ignore the error.
Go to the file location mentioned below, and open repo. repofile ,
give the baseurl which helps to configure packages
Yum is the utility used to provide the dependencies about installation. Kind of automatic process.
Go the Server directory and do clean like below,
‘yumInstall oracle_validated’ run this, to get all oracle related details and edit it if available.
Otherwise it will come when installing the Oracle software.
Please go ahead on the next post for Oracle standalone installation steps.