This is the continuation of the previous Informix Basics post. Once installed the binary, follow the below for getting up the connection of the server.
Setup the User Profile
This configuration
file tells the DB engine that how the connection will be made. (it has the protocol, port,
server name, etc)
As an Informix user,
Cp $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts.std sqlhosts
I have given the parameters as shown below,
Service name – test
Protocol – onsoctcp, onipcshm(shared memory)
Hostname/ip – goldengate2
Servicename/port number – test
First-line – shared-memory connection, 2nd line
– TCP connection
It is a master configuration file for the database
As informix user,
Cp $INFORMIXDIR/etc/onconfig.std onconfig.test
Test – instance name & should be matched with env
variable in profile.
Rootpath – path to the dbspace
Rootoffset – offset on disk.set 0 if using cooked files
Logfiles – it will be adjusted automatically.
Msgpath- server log path
Dbservername – instance name
Full_disk_init – if we want to re-initialize the instance to
default values set it to 1
Tapedev – where the data backups stores
Tapesize – 0 (unlimited size for the tape)
Ltapedev – where the backups of logical log stores
Bufferpool - size for
cache data.
Initialize the Instance
Verbose output -5 denotes successful initialization of the
It should be successful without any error/warning.
If we get the error, use “onstat –m “ to check out the error. If
re-initialize the instance set 1 to FULL_DISK_INIT. Onstat - will help you to see the status of the running instance.
Add other DBSpaces
To check the dbspace, use onstat –d,
Create Database
Below command will take you to create the database objects,
Thank you for reading!!