Part-A - Configuration at the Primary database

Implementation of Physical Standby 

Hello again. I am continuing this post, as you have already cascaded the previous article where we have discussed the background of the Dataguard and pre-installation configuration. 

Please follow the below steps carefully to get the first-attempt success, as I have tried my best to include all the screenshots. This model is divided into two parts. 

Part-A - Configuration at the primary database
Part-B - Configuration at the standby database

On Primary database:

1. Enable force logging.

2.Enable archive mode

Make prim in archive mode.

3. Create the password file,

4. Start the listener and check the connection using tnsping.

5. Assign the parameters in spfile as shown below,

If more than one standby gives the standby names with comma-separated.

Local location of archive location. From this location, the archiver/log writer transfers the archives to the RFS process for standby redo apply. All_logfiles means this location used for online redo logs of primary & standby redo logs of standby DB. If the location not specified, it uses the FRA location.

To make sure that there is no log switch takes place on standby site until completes the standby configuration,

To check the service name & remote password mode,

To make standby file management as auto,

To set db_file & log_file_convert,

6. Create standby redo logs on the primary database.

Size should be exactly the same as the online redo log file and the number standby redo log file is no. of online redo log thread +1 * total no. of online redo thread. 

7. Take a backup of primary spfile

8. Take a backup of control file and datafile including archive log

Increase the recovery_file_dest_size to 4G and restart the backup,

Or in mount state,


9. Transfer the pfile, backupset, controlfile, pwfile

Create appropriate directories in the standby database and copy the files,

Success!. This concludes the setup of the Primary database instance. Please do follow the next post for configuring the standby instance.

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