Recovery of DataFile from Block Corruption

Being Oracle Administrator, we must exercise on the worst-case occurrences and be ready to handle situations proactively. The below post is one of the worst-case scenarios, deals with the necessary steps to be followed when the datafile gets corrupted. This has divided into two parts, 

1. Simulate corruption(just for this scenario :-) ) 
2. Recover the corrupted file. 

PART1: corrupting datafile

  • In order to simulate this scenario, we just create a tablespace called test_ts , user called test and appropriate permission specified as below,

Create tablespace,
  • Create table and insert 1000 records as follows,
NOTE: Take the full backup of your database before proceeds next. 

  • Purposely corrupt the data file,
  • Using dbv utility, check the corrupted file and block,
Dbv file=/u01/……test_ts.dbf,

  • Run the following command in RMAN and check the corrupted block consecutively,
RMAN>Backup validate database; 

  • Now, select the table. Data will come so we need to flush the buffer cache which holds it temporarily,

Part2: Recovering the corrupted file using RMAN 
There are three consecutive chained steps needs to performed to recover the datafile block namly,
  1. List failure – list the number of failures.
  2. Advise failure – script out the failures specified in list failure.
  3. Repair failure – run the scripts generated in advise failure.

List failure
Advise failure,
Repair failure,

That is it. We have successfully recovered the corrupted datafile using the RMAN mechanism.!  

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