In this tutorial, we are going to see how to create a Virtual Machine instance through the web console. Before proceeding this, I would highly suggest you take a look at the GCE(google compute engine) concepts, where we have discussed the conceptual method and various options involved in the VM creations.
Steps to create the VM instance
Select the Compute Engine service for the particular project,
Click to create the new instance,
Assign a suitable name and select the appropriate region/zone where you want the instance present,
Assigning the appropriate label name is always a good way of handling the resources.
Select the general configuration settings for machine type. I have selected the basic model settings
As we are creating the general-purpose VM, select only the boot disk image, not any other types as of now.
Other settings remain unchanged.
Other settings remain unchanged.
Allow the default service account access and firewall settings. The IAM will be discussed separately in this blog.
Enabling the delete protection helps to prevent the VM from accidental deletion. If this option is enabled, this will not allow us to delete the VM unless disabling the setting.
Created reservation helps to speed up the process of VM creation.
Automation script will help to perform the bootstrap execution at the time VM starts. More details are given in this link.
And, availability options are selected with the recommended configurations. A detailed explanation is given in this link.
Other sets of options like security, disks, networking are left as it is. As mentioned, these options are related to separate service components which will be discussed in the cloud branch. Click on the create instance, once you select the appropriate options as per the design.
Successful VM creation will show the green status once created,
Connect the VM instance
There are several ways to connect the VM instance remotely.
- Can connect directly through the browser by clicking the SSH.
- Can connect using gshell or gcloud utility. The command would be something like this,
- Can connect through ssh client from the local machine using a putty terminal.
In this tutorial, let me connect through a web browser. Refer to the next tutorial for connecting through the gcloud tool.
gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "us-central1-a" "datacloudies" --project "spartan-metric-000000"
Play around with the new VM.
That is it. We have successfully created the VM instance using the web console method. Please do check out the other options to create the VM.