Create the GCP Account and Project

Creating an account in GCP

GCP allows us to create a free tier account with $300 upfront credit and it may eligible for 12months from day 1 created. All the services will be turned off once the expiry is over, however you will not be charged for an additional cost. Indeed cool right? ☺☺️
Follow the below steps to acquire a new account,
  1. Go to and select the FREE account
  2. Follow the instruction and make sure to submit the credit card information. This will detect Rs-2 to validate the credit card information and revert it back to the account post verification. 
  3. There you go, the console is enabled for creating the resources and on the top right, we could see cloud shell, that will open a new shell at the bottom for commands.

Three ways to access GCP services. 
  1. Web console
  2. Gcloud command-line tool
  3. SDK client libraries 

Let us first go with web console and kick start the project. 

Creating the first project

gcp new project
Once you select "create a new project", you will be landed upon the above page. Giving a suitable name will create the project. We can also edit the Project ID as per organization standard. Please keep in mind that this number is unique and unchanged throughout the lifetime.

After creating the project, the details are available under the IAM & Admin-> settings. 

gcp project settings
On the other hand, you can also stop the project at any time by clicking the shutdown button. This will stop all the tagged resources and disable the billing. The stopped projects can be restored up to 30 days before its deleted permanently. 
In GCP, any cloud resources that you create should be mapped to a project. The project can be tied to a particular business unit that depends on the resources. All resources deployed within a single project can communicate easily with each other. 
For instance, two VM can connect directly with any gateway. If we want to connect VM in one project to another project, we should establish the external network. 
Each project must contain a project name, unique ID and unique number. Keep in mind, Even if the project deleted, ID cannot be reused. 

Creating the project through the command line

Gcloud is the command-line utility, we can download and install from the link.
Alternatively, you can access google shell from the console, as I have pointed below,
gcp dashboard

type “gcloud init” to initialize the configuration,

gcp cloud shell
select “create a new configuration” and proceed to create the project after enter the login credential

cloud shell

once the project created successfully, verify the list of projects as shown below

Congrats!. We had a good start with a free tier account and also spent the time to explore creating the projects in multiple ways. I hope this will be very clear to you. We will look into learning GCP Compute Services in upcoming posts. 

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